Arsiney is an awesome name for this very multi talented artist. Arsiney already nominated twice for an Under Ground Music Award, 2 years in a row. Arsiney joins hundreds of talented artists across the globe for his recent nomination at The Top Ten Artists of The Year Awards 2011. Arsiney is an all around artists. Not only does it produce if own records but also sings on his hooks and delivers pure energy in his stage performance. We always like to keep our reader on there toes and remember you put you on first to the hottest, fastest growing artists through out the globe. Get to know Arsiney.
E.H.M.P: Congrats on your recent nomination at The Elegant Hoodness Musical Program for the Top Ten Artists of the year Award 2011. Do you have any predictions and how does it feel to be nominated?
ARSINEY: Thank you, of course I’d like to win but it feels GREAT to just be nominated. Over this summer I was nominated for my second U.M.A Award (Underground Music Award) and I just put out my NEW mix tape the nomination which was so fitting not only for the moment, me being nominated and all, but also just for what being nominated for anything represents, which is RECOGNITION for what ever it is you are doing. So to be recognized in another award is great, keeps me motivated.
E.H.M.P: You write, produce and sing your own hooks. Your stage performance is superb. What do you think you lack?
ARSINEY: Thanks, yea I give it 100 percent every time I hit the stage. I’m just an artist so what ever way I decide to express my self, whether its rapping, singing, producing, directing, whatever it is I strive to be the best at it, so I don't think I lack anything talent wise because I push my self. If anything I lack the recognition for what I do, but I believe the harder I work ill get where I need to be.
E.H.M.P: If you had a choice between a label that gave you creative control or a label that give you 10 million and no creative control, with would you chose?
ARSINEY: Creative control because being able to make what I want to make is going to bring me longevity and money anyway.
E.H.M.P: Which do you love more? Producing? Or being an artists and why?
ARSINEY: I think producing is all a part of my artistry so I would say being an artist because it incorporates all me gifts and I love them all equally.
E.H.M.P: Where do you think Hip Hop is currently?
ARSINEY: I think it’s in an opportunity phase. It feel’s kind of like it’s back to the roots as far as the business goes, back when labels wasn't signing Hip Hop artist and people were just making the music that they want to make because the money didn't matter. We are in a stage were albums are not selling the way they used to because the internet has made music so accessible people don't feel the need to buy it, which is a problem. But what that did was leveled the playing field so now an up and coming artist has the opportunity to be a star and compete with a major artist, so that’s good. And it forced people to get back to making creative music, and I think we are starting to see more of that creativity in not just hip hop but music abroad.
E.H.M.P: If you could have 5 artists on your all star team who would they be?
ARSINEY: Kris Kasanova, Kanye West, Adelle, The Weekend, Kendrick Lamar.
E.H.M.P: Where can our readers reach you and listen and or download your music?
ARSINEY: You can reach me at my and my email
E.H.M.P: Any last words? Or Shout Out’s?arsineymusic@gmail you can download my music on my website or at or aborted blogs and mix tape sites just google my name ARSINEY.
ARSINEY: Just shout out to my whole ICM family, anybody that works closely with me and all the fans you guys are FAM, you are all a part of TeamARS for life. Shout out to E.H.M.P and a special shout out to YOU the reader.
Written by A.D. The General
Courtesy of The Elegant Hoodness Musical Program 2011
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