If this were spoken of anything other than R & B crooner Trey Songz’s latest mixtape Anticipation II I would be forced to agree. But after listening to his latest effort I am inclined to believe that whatever the future holds in regards to what Songz has for us, I’ll be right there anticipating its coming. In a time in music where the mixtape has undergone something of a resurrection Songz adds his voice to the mass of sound that we’ve been hearing more of as of late. To be fair Anticipation II offers a lot of the raunchy sort of musical fare that his last few albums have been so heavily laced with. But on the same token this mixtape plays as if it were a full length album, a feat not afforded to every between album effort. What appealed to me here was the references to pop culture and how well the tracks seem to complement each other. One track, called “Me 4 U Infidelity 2”, ends with a sound clip from the popular HBO show Boardwalk Empire, a conversation in such perfect context that it couldn’t be by chance or mere accident. Tracks such as “Don’t Judge” and “French Kiss” offer that level of content that the female constituency tends to flock towards when Trey Songz and his music are the topic of discussion. “When We Make Love”, a personal favorite, evokes that subtle intimacy that you’d expect from a good slow jam. The final song “Top Of The World” has an uplifting feel to it that I dare you not to be swept up in. Despite the overt sexuality offered this is a good listen. It is for this reason that I plan to disregard Goldsmith’s words and ‘anticipate’ what next from Trey Songz.
-L. Powell
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