2.UNDUN-I have always been a fan of The Roots. Since I first heard “Break You Off” I have been a fan. With every album they seem to be capable of doing no wrong. The same can be said of Undun, the first concept album from the group. As with everything it falls on the ear perfectly and leaves you thinking. I personally appreciate that. Hopefully when you get to hear it you will, too.

3.“Stupid Ho”-You know how the Internet has a handful of your possible tracks from your upcoming albums? I happened to hear one from Nicki Minaj’s album. Most unfortunately it was “Stupid Ho”. I’ll be honest with you: I felt like my auditory senses got raped in the time I was listening to that song. The only redeeming quality was that the beat was kinda catchy.

4.GLEE and Michael Jackson-At the outset of things I want to say that I haven’t caught the Glee fever like everyone else. But my ears did prick up when I heard their next episode was going to honor the King of Pop Michael Jackson. At the beginning of this article I say something about big shoes to fill. Glee has that going on as well. This is an iconic artist and if you honor him, your tribute must equally iconic. Here’s hoping they pull it off.

MY TAKE: UGLY if done wrong, GOOD if done right
5.2 Chainz-It is hard to deny that 2011 was the year of Tity Boi (aka 2 CHAINZ!!). You had to be dead or cut off from hip-hop to not have heard his epic mixtape CODEINE COWBOY. 2 Chainz also did interviews, featured on songs, and tweeted up a storm. What do I want to see from him this year? A full length studio album. Let’s get to it, 2 Chainz.

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